点评:Our iFly Singapore experience far exceeded our already high expectations and I would give even more than 5***** if it was possible. 1 adult and 2 children, one of whom has special needs, went to try it out. My son had no fear and would've happily spent the whole day there (in the end, 2 "flights" was the compromise). My daughter was apprehensive at first and then became very very scared. The team were amazing in getting her comfortable with the experience and I need to give a massive call out and thanks to Corinth, Kelvin, Hani, Audrey and Kumar. What could easily have turned into a bad memory associated with failure for not managing to do it instead ended up in our memories as a fantastic achievement. Thanks iFly Singapore for the amazing service support and patience in helping my daughter fly - you made this the highlight of our trip!
Ps - the photos and videos are amazing and have already been shared with friends and family.
翻译:我们在 iFly Singapore 的体验远远超出了我们原本就很高的期望,如果可能的话,我甚至会给出超过 5***** 的评价。1 名成人和 2 名儿童(其中一名有特殊需求)去尝试了。我的儿子没有害怕,很乐意在那里度过一整天(最后,2 次“飞行”是妥协)。我的女儿一开始很担心,然后变得非常害怕。团队非常出色地让她适应了这次体验,我需要大声感谢 Corinth、Kelvin、Hani、Audrey 和 Kumar。这很容易变成与未能成功相关的失败相关的糟糕记忆,但最终却作为一项了不起的成就留在了我们的记忆中。感谢 iFly Singapore 出色的服务支持和耐心帮助我的女儿飞行 - 你们让这次旅行成为我们旅行的亮点!
Ps - 照片和视频非常棒,已经与朋友和家人分享了。