点评:I traveled on a delightful drive along the Willow City Loop. This winding two-lane ranch road, nestled among the oldest and most unique geology in central Texas, promised a feast for the senses.
The Willow City Loop isn’t your grandiose Monument Valley or Grand Canyon; it’s a modest, unassuming stretch that meanders through private ranch properties. But don’t let its unpretentious nature fool you, this drive is a hidden gem, especially during the wildflower season. In April and May, the hills come alive with a vibrant tapestry of wildflowers: the well known Bluebonnets, but also Indian Paintbrush, Phlox, Coreopsis, etc..
And then, the unexpected: a herd of a longhorn grazed lazily by the roadside: this is Texas. Cattle, horses, and other wildlife roamed freely, sharing this enchanting space with us travelers.
Remember, though, that the Willow City Loop is a private ranch road. Respect the landowners who graciously allow us to witness this natural wonder. Don’t block driveways, trample meadows, or disturb the delicate wildflowers. Instead, roll down your windows, breathe in the fragrant air, and enjoy the beauty.
Completing it takes about an hour.
翻译:我沿着柳城环路 (Willow City Loop) 进行了一次愉快的驾车旅行。这条蜿蜒的双车道牧场道路坐落在德克萨斯州中部最古老、最独特的地质之中,为感官带来一场盛宴。