点评:Within an hour’s drive from Manhattan we went here to view the Fall colours. There was plenty of colour to see along the sides of the road, en route to the Bear Mountain State Park.
Bear Mountain rises from the west side of the Hudson River. Cross the long suspension bridge and it takes you up Bear Mountain.
Part of the way up, you could stop for a break at the renovated Bear Mountain Inn. Rooms can be booked if one chooses to stay over. The cost to park is $10, even if you were stopping to spend a penny, as they say, back across the pond!
The Inn houses a large restaurant called 1915, on the second floor. But you need to book the previous day. Walk ins are summarily turned away, as was our experience!
But we made up for it by using the Hikers Cafe on the ground floor. Tasty fare and immensely good value. This was well worth a visit, especially because Restaurant 1915 has limited opening hours.
The Inn has a nice shop with hats and coats as well as sundry mementos.
If you have come prepared for it the hike up the trails on Bear Mountain are well worth it. There were groups who were having a picnic and others enjoying an impromptu barbecue.
What we came to see were the Fall colours and it was a spectacular sight. It was not to be missed. Given climate change and global warming, one understood the colours were delayed in making an appearance. They were still vibrant towards end October.
在上山的途中,您可以在翻新的熊山旅馆稍事休息。如果想过夜,可以预订房间。停车费为 10 美元,即使您只是停下来花一分钱,正如人们所说,回到大洋彼岸!
旅馆二楼有一家名为 1915 的大餐厅。但您需要提前一天预订。直接进入的客人会被拒之门外,我们的经历也是如此!
但我们在一楼的 Hikers Cafe 用餐弥补了这一点。食物美味,物超所值。非常值得一游,尤其是因为 1915 餐厅的营业时间有限。
我们来这里是为了看秋天的色彩,那真是壮观。不容错过。考虑到气候变化和全球变暖,人们可以理解色彩的出现会延迟。到 10 月底,它们仍然很鲜艳。