点评:Apart from the cathedral Saint-André, the 17th century Notre Dame is the next most interesting church in Bordeaux. Its right in the heart of old Bordeaux, in what is known as ‘the Golden Triangle’.
It is worth noting that some guidebooks or tourist websites also refer to it as ‘the Church of Our Lady, Bordeaux’.
It has a beautifully ornate Baroque facade, full of swirls, scrolls, statues of saints, and small spires. Tall columns and Corinthian pilasters give a sense of height and grandeur.
The church was built by the Dominicans, who already had a large monastery here.
A large panel over the main entrance shows the Virgin Mary giving a set of rosary beads to St Dominic. According to belief, she appeared to St Dominic in 1208 when he was having trouble drawing on his faith to preach. She introduced him to the practice of praying the rosary. For centuries afterwards, the Dominicans encouraged people to also pray, using rosary beads, making the practice widespread.
Mary is surrounded by ten or more cherub angels hovering around her feet and shoulders. One has gone rogue and is tipping out a basket of flowers or fruit right above St Dominics head. He looks like a naughty cherub, tipping out his toy basket. St Dominic, unaware of what is about to land on his head, gazes up adoringly at Mary. Two other angels look as if they are dancing and playing a clapping game. Curiously, Mary appears to be using two little cherubs as a foot stool.
The 4 ‘Doctors of the Church’ stand either side of the plaque. These are full-length statues of St Ambrose, St Gregory, St Jerome and St Augustine.
Entry is free and it is open every day but unfortunately it was closed when we passed by so we didn’t get to see inside (we walked by at the very end of our day so we must have just missed it).
翻译:除了圣安德烈大教堂,17 世纪的圣母院是波尔多第二有趣的教堂。它位于老波尔多的中心地带,即所谓的“金三角”。
主入口上方的一块大面板上画着圣母玛利亚将一串念珠交给圣多米尼克。根据传说,1208 年,当圣多米尼克难以依靠信仰传教时,她出现在他面前。她向他介绍了念诵玫瑰经的做法。此后几个世纪,多米尼加人鼓励人们也用念珠祈祷,使这一习俗广为流传。
4 位“教会博士”站在牌匾的两侧。这些是圣安布罗斯、圣格雷戈里、圣杰罗姆和圣奥古斯丁的全身雕像。