点评:This was a very beautiful hike! It is scenic with lots of rushing water sounds accompanying your journey.
That said: it is a punishing hike up. Specifically, it is ALL uphill and then ALL downhill. if you are not adjusted to the altitude or are from out of state, I would not advise this hike. If you go anyway, drink lots of water, go slow, and take frequent breaks.
I do have some recommendations to avoid pitfalls and ensure a good experience:
-park in the Vail Village transportation center lot (Free in summer) and take the free bus to the stop. There is no parking at the trailhead, which was my biggest gripe with this hike. There are spots, but they are for 5 min drop off only which is silly in my opinion.
-The bus stop for booth falls is at the bottom of the neighborhood area where the trailhead is, and you'll need to walk up to the top of the road to reach the trailhead (about 10 min, paved). Factor this into your timeline and exertion.
-try to hit the trailhead no later than 7:30 am in the summer. It's cooler, quieter, and less buggy the earlier you go.
-wear long pants and hiking boots, not tennis shoes or shorts. The grass along the trail is very long and your legs will be in contact with it a lot. There are also parts of this hike that are very steep and slippery from trickling streams running through the trail. You will want boots for better traction - I had great shoes and still had a pretty painful slip/fall at one point.
Fair warning: the view of the big waterfall at the top is not the best, but it is visible with some neck-craning. It's not the best vista if I'm honest, but you can at least see parts of it through the trees. I put this in because if you don't know, the summit for Booth Falls may seem a bit anticlimactic.
- 将车停在 Vail Village 交通中心停车场(夏季免费),然后乘坐免费巴士前往车站。小道入口处没有停车位,这是我对这次徒步旅行最大的不满。虽然有停车位,但只能停 5 分钟,在我看来这很愚蠢。
- Booth Falls 的巴士站位于小道入口所在街区的底部,您需要步行到路的顶部才能到达小道入口(约 10 分钟,铺好的路面)。请将此考虑在您的时间表和体力消耗中。
- 夏季尽量在早上 7:30 之前到达登山口。越早出发,越凉爽、越安静、虫子越少。
- 穿长裤和登山靴,不要穿网球鞋或短裤。小径旁的草很长,你的腿会经常接触到草。这条徒步路线的某些部分非常陡峭,而且由于小径中流淌着涓涓细流,路面非常湿滑。你需要穿靴子,这样抓地力会更好 - 我的鞋子很棒,但还是有一次滑倒了,非常痛苦。
温馨提醒:山顶的大瀑布景色不是最好的,但伸长脖子还是能看到。说实话,这不是最好的远景,但至少可以透过树木看到部分景色。我之所以写这个,是因为如果你不知道,Booth Falls 的山顶可能看起来有点虎头蛇尾。