点评:We wish we did a full day trip bc the half day Racecourse trip went too fast! No doubt bc we had such a thrilling time through some Class2s and 3s after the most thorough and helpful safety speech. We’ve done rafting maybe 3 or 4x before, but our guide Mads gave us the most practical and clear instruction. We knew we were in good hands.
During the quieter stretches, Mads filled the time with really interesting stories about the area, rock composition/geology, and local stories.
It was such a positive and fulfilling experience, and if we ever get to go to Taos again, booking a trip either Mads for the full day trip will definitely be the first item on our agenda.
Billy was really responsive when we were trying to book. Beware, internet and cell service is pretty tough near the meeting point at the Gorge Visitor Center, so make sure you have all the info you need before you head out there.
翻译:我们希望进行全天旅行,因为半天的赛马场之旅过得太快了!毫无疑问,在听完最全面、最有帮助的安全演讲后,我们通过了一些 2 级和 3 级漂流,度过了一段激动人心的时光。我们之前可能已经漂流过 3 或 4 次,但我们的导游 Mads 给了我们最实用、最清晰的指导。我们知道我们交到了可靠的人手中。
在比较安静的路段,Mads 用非常有趣的故事来填充时间,这些故事是关于该地区、岩石成分/地质和当地故事的。
这是一次非常积极和充实的体验,如果我们有机会再次去陶斯,预订 Mads 的全天旅行绝对是我们计划中的首要事项。
当我们试图预订时,Billy 非常热情。请注意,在峡谷游客中心的会面点附近,互联网和手机服务相当差,因此请确保在出发前获得所需的所有信息。