点评:While a mountain by Michigan standards, Sugarloaf is, at least for anyone who has done the Rockies or other real mountains, a glorified hill.
While it's about 1,080 feet above sea level, the actual elevation is less than 500 feet.
The ascent is about 15 minutes at a moderate pace via the main trail, which is a combination of improved paths and stairs. There is a second path that on the descent is marked difficult. This is mostly unimproved, but is more enjoyable since fewer people take it.
About 60 percent of the hikers are people who have no idea what they're doing. Don't hike Sugarloaf without a bottle of water, without proper clothing (seriously, don't wear jeans or normal street clothes), and without proper footwear. If you have a handicap, other mobility issues, or are just obese and out of shape, you probably want to reconsider. While an entry-level hike, you're still going to get stuck and potentially have problems. I would also recommend bug spray.
All those things aside, the actual park is as nice as a state park. It's hard to believe this is a mere county park with absolutely no admission or entry charge.
And in case you were wondering, I didn't see any signs of bears but this is a semi-isolated area about 15 minutes from downtown Marquette. It's certainly possible a bear, wolf or cougar could roam here.
翻译:虽然按照密歇根州的标准,Sugarloaf 是一座山,但对于任何攀登过落基山脉或其他真正的山脉的人来说,它都是一座美化的山丘。
虽然它海拔约 1,080 英尺,但实际高度不到 500 英尺。
沿着主路以中等速度攀登大约需要 15 分钟,主路是经过改进的小径和楼梯的组合。下山时还有一条标记为困难的第二条路。这条路大部分都没有改进,但由于走这条路的人较少,因此更有趣。
大约 60% 的徒步旅行者是不知道自己在做什么的人。不要在没有一瓶水、没有合适的衣服(认真地说,不要穿牛仔裤或普通的街头服装)和没有合适的鞋子的情况下徒步前往 Sugarloaf。如果您有残疾、其他行动不便的问题,或者只是肥胖和体型不佳,您可能需要重新考虑。虽然这是入门级徒步旅行,但您仍然会陷入困境并可能遇到问题。我还建议使用杀虫剂。
如果你想知道,我没有看到任何熊的迹象,但这是一个半孤立的地区,距离马凯特市中心约 15 分钟路程。熊、狼或美洲狮在这里漫游是完全有可能的。