点评:What a wonderful last day in Switzerland for this Mom and three college age children to relax before the trip home .
We started the day at 10 am with peeling massages, then started the Roman Bath and Irish experiences. There are ten stations in the Roman side with steam saunas, hot stone, bubble massage chairs, hot and cold pools. Then we experienced the Irish side, with bubble pools ( including foot reflexology bubble jets). Rainforest experience alternating hot shower and freezing mist woke us up completely. My daughter was able to add on another massage specifically for muscle aches that she has had. We enjoyed the facility for 8 hours of treatments and a delicious spa lunch. If there is anything remotely like this stateside, we would love it. Not sure if there is anywhere else like it. If you are in Zurich, highly recommend booking a message in the morning and spending the day here. Also a good value for what you experience. 10/10 would love to go back.
我们从上午 10 点开始,先做去角质按摩,然后开始罗马浴和爱尔兰浴。罗马浴场有十个站点,有蒸汽桑拿、热石、泡泡按摩椅、冷热水池。然后我们体验了爱尔兰浴场,那里有泡泡池(包括足部反射疗法泡泡喷射)。热带雨林体验交替进行热水淋浴和冰雾,让我们完全清醒了。我的女儿还额外做了一次按摩,专门缓解她肌肉酸痛。我们享受了 8 小时的理疗和美味的水疗午餐。如果美国有类似的东西,我们会喜欢的。不确定其他地方是否也有类似的东西。如果你在苏黎世,强烈建议你在早上预约,并在这里度过一天。这也是物有所值的体验。10/10 很想再去一次。