点评:These iconic steps are as much about the artist than the steps themselves. Jorge Selaron was born in Chile and traveled the world as an artist. In 1983 he came to Rio de Janeiro and fell in love with the city. To beauty the steps outside his home, he started to tile the steps with arrangement of beautiful colors and pictures. Jorge became obsessed in tiling the entire pathway. There is today over 2000 tiles on 125 steps making this free area one of the most touristed spots in Rio de Janeiro.
It is best to come by Uber or taxi. If you do have a car, there is a parking area close by with a nominal fee. More than likely, you will not be alone as this is a favorite attraction for many. The area became even more famous with the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics and Snoop Dogg’s video “Beautiful.” Various companies have videoed these steps such as Coco-Cola, American Express and even Playboy. A U.S.A program called “The Amazing Race” even filmed at this location.
In the beginning it was a struggle for Jorge as he would sell paintings to support his tiling efforts. One of his famous paintings is of a pregnant African mother. Jorge said he sold over 25,000 paintings. Jorge loved the color of “red.” It maybe it was due to the Chilean flag with that color. People and companies would send him tiles to place along the 410-foot area known also as “Lapa Steps,” so named from the neighborhood. It is fascinating to go up the steps to see the various tiles and from what they represented.
In 2013 authorities found Jorge dead along his steps. Burn marks were found on his body. It is believed by some that Jorge was experiencing depression and had suicidal tendencies.
Viewing these steps became a highlight of our Rio de Janeiro sojourn. If you found this review to be helpful in anyway, please press the icon “thumbs-up” to let me know.
翻译:这些标志性的台阶不仅关乎台阶本身,也关乎艺术家。豪尔赫·塞拉隆出生于智利,作为一名艺术家游历世界各地。1983 年,他来到里约热内卢,爱上了这座城市。为了美化他家门外的台阶,他开始用美丽的颜色和图片排列台阶瓷砖。豪尔赫痴迷于铺满整个道路。如今,125 个台阶上铺有 2000 多块瓷砖,使这个免费区域成为里约热内卢最受游客欢迎的景点之一。
最好乘坐 Uber 或出租车前来。如果您有车,附近有一个停车区,只需支付象征性的费用。您很可能不会孤单,因为这是许多人最喜欢的景点。2016 年里约热内卢奥运会和 Snoop Dogg 的视频“Beautiful”让该地区变得更加出名。可口可乐、美国运通甚至花花公子等多家公司都拍摄了这些台阶的视频。美国节目《极速前进》甚至也在这里拍摄。
一开始,豪尔赫的生活很艰难,他只能靠卖画来维持铺瓷砖的事业。他的其中一幅著名画作描绘的是一位怀孕的非洲母亲。豪尔赫说,他卖出了 25,000 多幅画作。豪尔赫喜欢“红色”。也许是因为智利国旗是红色的。人们和公司会给他寄瓷砖,让他铺在 410 英尺长的区域,这个区域也被称为“拉帕台阶”,因街区而得名。走上台阶,看看各种瓷砖,看看它们代表着什么,真是令人着迷。
2013 年,当局发现豪尔赫死在台阶上。他的身上有烧伤痕迹。有人认为豪尔赫患有抑郁症,有自杀倾向。