Over Priced, Same Old Food Truck Food, Same Old Entertainment
Lorimar Vineyards and Winery的点评
点评:It's been a while since I've been there (about once every 9 months). General Management has changed 2 times in the last 2 years which indicates problems. Staff seemed to turn over by 100%. New staff is not as customer service oriented.
Food is the same as before, from a food truck (no on-site restaurant like other wineries in the area). Definitely a gap in the price / value equation. Wine is OK, beer selection is decent, but both are overpriced compared to other wineries.
Evening music is just OK. It seems they have the same bands on rotation for the past several years. Not much imagination and kind of boring hearing the same old stuff played by different bands. Surprising since one of the core foundations of their marketing differentiation here is music!
Net-Net: Management has gotten complacent because the out of town crowd doesn't know any better. There are better wineries in the area (in no particular order): Wilson Creek, Monte De Oro, South Coast, to name a few.
翻译:我已经有一段时间没去过那里了(大约每 9 个月一次)。在过去的 2 年里,总管理层已经更换了 2 次,这表明存在问题。员工似乎 100% 都流失了。新员工并不像以前那样注重客户服务。
总体而言:管理层已经变得自满,因为外地人不知道更好的选择。该地区有更好的酒庄(不分先后):Wilson Creek、Monte De Oro、South Coast,仅举几例。