点评:毕棚沟 Bipenggou Scenic Area - 200km from Chengdu. We stayed in an onsen hotel at 理县 Li County and set off in the morning for the beautiful Bipenggou Scenic Area with rugged peaks, dense forest and sparkling lakes. At the top of the scenic trail, I felt a great sense of awe and wonder at the majesty of the landscape around me. A perfect spot for a picnic with fresh and crisp air.
Tip 1: Bring your own food. There was an eatery that served the usual spicy fare / sausage / instant noodles that wasn’t too appealing.
Tip 2: Take your time to descend from the top (~4000m above sea level) in order to allow the body to acclimatise.
Tip 3: Visit in autumn to view the autumn foliage or in winter to see the snowcapped mountains.
Tip 4: On hindsight, we should have stayed in the resort at the foot of the park so we would have more time to explore the area.
翻译:毕棚沟 毕棚沟风景区 - 距成都 200 公里。我们住在理县理县的一家温泉酒店,早上出发前往风景优美的毕棚沟风景区,这里有险峻的山峰、茂密的森林和波光粼粼的湖泊。在风景优美的步道顶端,我对周围壮丽的风景感到敬畏和惊叹。这里空气清新,是野餐的绝佳地点。
提示 1:自带食物。有一家餐馆供应普通的辛辣食物/香肠/方便面,不太吸引人。
提示 2:慢慢从山顶(海拔约 4000 米)下山,让身体适应。
提示 3:秋天来这里可以欣赏秋叶,冬天来这里可以欣赏白雪皑皑的山峰。