Surround Yourselves With Visual Beauty, Casual & Friendly Service, Delicious Wines & More!
Still Waters Vineyards的点评
点评:Gorgeous setting out on the grass, shaded with giant oak trees and with views in every direction! THE BEST and most warm & friendly staff in this casual but nurturing setting. Birds chirping, water fountains trickling with an iced bucket of your favorite white (or red/no ice) ~ charcuterie, and chilled bottles of water. We're so fortunate to live close as this oasis melts stress away and creates relaxation and laughter. (You can bring your own picnic meal if you'd like!)
Check out the "catch of the month" membership which offers you free concerts with complimentary glass of wine. The Saturday concerts (check schedule) you can also get a taco bar plate with Paul's fresh-caught grilled fish (or meat) for $15 adding to the fun atmosphere with the live music. ***Last night was a BLAST!
My fave is their Sparkling Brut Rose... My husband's loves their Viognier, Oak Barrel White and their Merlot. Plenty more to choose from!
They provide dog water bowls if your pup is well-behaved and stays on leash.
But their Winery Dog, Rowdi (who isn't rowdy) will sometimes be there to personally greet you with her happy wagging tail.
They also produce their own olive oil from the gorgeous 100+ year old olive trees next to the "tasting lawn"... there is also seating inside the tasting room if you prefer a/c.
Free and EASY parking!!
翻译:草地上风景优美,巨大的橡树为它遮荫,四面八方都是美景!在这个休闲而又温馨的环境中,工作人员最热情友好。鸟儿啁啾,喷泉里滴着一桶冰镇的您最喜欢的白葡萄酒(或红葡萄酒/不加冰)~ 熟食,还有冰镇的瓶装水。我们很幸运能住在附近,因为这个绿洲可以消除压力,让人放松,欢笑。(如果您愿意,可以自带野餐!)
查看“本月精选”会员资格,它为您提供免费音乐会和免费葡萄酒。周六音乐会(查看时间表)您还可以花 15 美元购买一份带有 Paul 新鲜捕获的烤鱼(或烤肉)的玉米卷吧台拼盘,现场音乐为欢乐的氛围增添了色彩。***昨晚太精彩了!
我最喜欢的是他们的 Sparkling Brut Rose... 我丈夫喜欢他们的 Viognier、Oak Barrel White 和 Merlot。还有更多选择!
但他们的酒庄狗 Rowdi(不吵闹)有时会在那里用她快乐的摇尾巴亲自迎接您。
他们还从“品酒草坪”旁边 100 多年历史的橄榄树上生产自己的橄榄油……如果您喜欢空调,品酒室内也有座位。