点评:This place is a must visit to experience nature's work. Different varieties of colourful flowers admist beautiful valley view gives you the aura of tranquility. Sharing certain important points for future travellers.
- The flower blooms at the peak of monsoon normally mid September to mid October.
- You may book the tickets in advance through Kaas plateau website which also updates on blooming of flowers by sharing pictures on daily basis. The tickets can also be purchased at the counter.
- If you are coming from Mahabaleshwar prefer taking Satara- Medha- Mahabaleshwar road which is the longest but smoothest route. Rest two routes may give you the best view of the valley and wind turbines but are very narrow and hardly any vehicles are seen.
- The parking is little far from the gates of Kaas plateau. Free bus service is given by the management from parking to the gates. The busses run on frequent basis so the wait time is not more than 5 to 10 mins on weekdays.
- Prefer visiting on weekdays as the crowd is less.
- Visit timings are from 10 am to 6 pm.
- Management has placed staffs from gates to parking for guidance.
- Once entered you have to walk to experience nature's beauty. Normally it takes 15- 20 mins to walk around.
- There are brick paths for you to walk safely but there are muddy and slippery patches in between so wear your walking shoes accordingly.
- Once you are out of the gate the busses will take you back to the parking.
- Although there are few shades for you to take shelter from rain but carry your rain protectors for sure.
- 花朵通常在季风高峰期盛开,通常为 9 月中旬至 10 月中旬。
- 您可以通过 Kaas 高原网站提前预订门票,该网站还通过每天分享图片来更新花朵盛开情况。门票也可以在柜台购买。
- 如果您从马哈巴莱斯赫瓦尔出发,最好走萨塔拉-梅达-马哈巴莱斯赫瓦尔路,这是最长但最平坦的路线。其余两条路线可能会让您欣赏到山谷和风力涡轮机的最佳景色,但非常狭窄,几乎看不到任何车辆。
- 停车场离 Kaas 高原的大门有点远。管理层提供从停车场到大门的免费巴士服务。巴士频繁运行,因此工作日的等待时间不超过 5 到 10 分钟。
- 最好在工作日参观,因为人流较少。
- 参观时间为上午 10 点至下午 6 点。
- 管理人员在大门和停车场之间安排了工作人员进行指导。
- 进入后,您必须步行才能体验大自然的美景。通常需要 15-20 分钟才能走完一圈。
- 有砖砌的小路可以安全行走,但中间有泥泞和湿滑的地方,因此请穿上合适的步行鞋。
- 出大门后,巴士会带您回到停车场。
- 虽然有几处阴凉处可以避雨,但一定要带上雨具。