点评:With the "2 wings" of the Castle each with its own set of stairs to go up from either side of the "inner courtyard" on the ground level (but where there are also connections between the two wings on the upper levels), I headed up the stairs through one of those two wings to the rooftop which itself is also one with "2 levels" (plus a few levels between those two main levels) for some phenomenal all-around views stretching from the palm groves relatively nearby to the small town of Jabreen at some distance and the mountains beyond (with just a wide-open desert as far as can be seen in one direction though), and yes also nicely seen from above (but of the Castle itself) were the 1st-rooftop with its structural parts around (seen from the 2nd-rooftop) & the Castle's "open-middle part" all the way down to the courtyard below (seen from the 1st-rooftop).
As for the rooms in the Castle (seen first on the way down from the rooftop those in the other wing from the one I headed up then crossing back to the initial wing for the rooms in that wing), seen in many of them (in "accommodation-like settings" I would say) were nice displays around the rooms of colorful carpets & pillows on the floors and some beautiful items on the shelves (including kitchen/dining ware items likely those once used by those who lived at this castle), and seen in some of them (those in a "museum-like setting") were pottery artifacts & such likely excavated from the area around this castle.
On my "private 3-stop tour" (with just the driver in his taxi) from Muscat, this was the last stop preceded by the Bahla Fort in the nearby town of Bahla (just about 10 to 15 minutes away) which was preceded by the Nizwa Fort (about half an hour from Nizwa to Bahla & about 2 hours from Muscat to Nizwa at the start of the tour) with "structural tops" to go up at both of those sites although seen only at the Nizwa Fort (actually at the "castle part" of that fort) were similar "interior displays" as at this castle.
在我的“私人三站游”中(只有出租车司机),从马斯喀特出发,这是最后一站,之前是附近巴赫拉镇的巴赫拉堡(距离仅约 10 至 15 分钟路程),之前是尼兹瓦堡(在旅程开始时,从尼兹瓦到巴赫拉约半小时车程,从马斯喀特到尼兹瓦约 2 小时车程),这两个景点都可以登上“结构顶部”,尽管只有在尼兹瓦堡(实际上是在该堡垒的“城堡部分”)才能看到与这座城堡类似的“内部展示”。