点评:A site consisting of a "fort part" & a "castle part" in a fairly-compact ground area, it was at the "castle part" where I started and gradually made my way up through a few levels with a number of rooms & displays in those rooms (although generally "quite sparse" I would say in the number of things to see among which were "beautiful-covered books"), and yes the most impressive among the rooms seen were these long-rectangular rooms nicely furnished with "colorful cushions & carpets" which were once meeting & gathering rooms in the castle by the ruling imam & his guests (such as dignitaries, scholars & also the general public with concerns to address to the imam as I learned from the info displays); and after having made my way to the "spacious rooftop" was getting to enjoy (with somewhat of a "feeling of exhilaration" I would say for its walk-able area) the wide-open views all around stretching from the view of many palm trees among town buildings in the "not-too-small town" all the way to the view of the distant hills (& some sizeable mountains); then after the gradual way back down from the castle's rooftop (with also some more interior rooms & upper outdoor parts to go through on the way down) was some time at the "underground area" with some museum-like displays (including a "long timeline" display of the world's civilizations but mainly displays of objects local to the Nizwa area I would say).
And, with really not much time needed for the "fort part" of the site (essentially just a "big cylindrical" structure although yes to see all around it are "plenty of cannons") arrived after the "castle part", should not be overlooked are these "outdoor stairways" all the way to the top of that big cylinder for some great views both inside the fort structure & the outside surroundings all around similar to the views from the castle's top.
On my "private day-tour" (with just the driver) from Muscat, this was the 1st stop (after about a 2-hour ride) followed by the Bahla Fort at just about half an hour away (quite an "imposing site" to see from outside & with some "structure tops" to go up inside) then the Jabreen Castle pretty much just in the same area as Bahla after just a short drive (with display rooms including those "colorfully-furnished rooms" similar to the ones at the Nizwa castle as mentioned above although with quite a number of "indoor stairs" to go up & down inside Jabreen).
在我的“私人一日游”(只有司机)中,从马斯喀特出发,这是第一站(大约 2 小时车程),然后是半小时路程外的巴赫拉堡(从外面看是一座“雄伟的遗址”,里面有一些“结构顶部”可以爬上去),然后是贾布林城堡,与巴赫拉堡几乎位于同一区域,只需短暂驱车即可到达(展示室包括那些“色彩缤纷的房间”,类似于上述尼兹瓦城堡的房间,尽管贾布林城堡内有相当多的“室内楼梯”可以上下)。