Nature Walk in Kasauli: Dogs, Stories, and Sunshine
Kasauli Nature Walks By Vanita的点评
点评:I recently went on a nature walk in Kasauli, led by Vanita Ma'am, and it was such an awesome experience! The sky was the bluest I’ve ever seen, and the flowers and trees along the way made everything feel so alive. I also got to see the morning routine of some locals and a glimpse of how they adapt to life in the mountains.
But the best part? The dogs! wagging their tails and looking at you with the most adorable eyes. Even if you’re not a dog person, these cuties will win you over—they’re just happy little (okay, not so little, but 100% adorable beings) spreading love and more love.
The walk for me was a reminder of how nature thrives with or without us, and it felt humbling to witness that. If you plan to visit Kasauli, I’d recommend setting aside 2 hours of your morning for this walk if you are around the place. It was a great way to start my day with fresh air, warm sunshine, and mountain vibes.
Sharing some pictures, I clicked. :)
翻译:我最近在 Vanita Ma'am 的带领下在 Kasauli 进行了一次自然漫步,这真是一次很棒的体验!天空是我见过的最蓝的,沿途的花草树木让一切都显得如此生机勃勃。我还看到了一些当地人的早晨例行活动,以及他们如何适应山区生活。
但最好的部分是什么?狗!摇着尾巴,用最可爱的眼睛看着你。即使你不喜欢狗,这些可爱的小家伙也会赢得你的青睐——它们只是快乐的小家伙(好吧,不是那么小,但 100% 可爱),传播着爱和更多的爱。
对我来说,这次散步让我想起了大自然是如何在我们身边或没有我们的情况下蓬勃发展的,亲眼目睹这一点让我感到谦卑。如果你计划参观 Kasauli,我建议你在早上留出 2 个小时进行这次散步,如果你在附近的话。这是一个以新鲜空气、温暖阳光和山间氛围开始我一天的好方法。