点评:We were in Holyhead for about 12 hours on Thursday, May 25, 2023 arriving on the Stena Ferry from Ireland about 6:30 PM, Stayed overnight at the Edinburgh Castle (next to the terminal) and rented a car in the morning. We were back again Monday, May 29, 2023 to take the Stena Ferry back to Dublin. All total we spent less than 24 hours there, but it was enough to rate and review the bridge and surrounding town. The bridge itself is quite nice architecturally. Sweeping lines of curved chromed metallic tubing. There is lighting in the floor of the bridge along it's length, and all of which the glass has been vandalized and broken. On one end is the train/ferry terminal, kept clean but only one small place to buy food or drink and they do not take cash. On the other side of the bridge is the very depressing downtown Holyhead. Garbage on the streets and several shuttered businesses. What is open does not offer much. Yes, this little town is very economically depressed. We gathered if it were not for the ferry business it would dry up and blow away out to sea. This is a really sad commentary and I feel bad for it. With a bad economy comes unemployment and vandalism. This town has it. This bridge is like a shiny new coin sitting atop a bag of garbage.
翻译:2023年5月25日星期四,我们在霍利黑德停留了大约12个小时,下午6:30左右从爱尔兰乘Stena Ferry抵达,在爱丁堡城堡(码头旁边)过夜,早上租了一辆车。我们于 2023 年 5 月 29 日星期一再次返回,搭乘 Stena 渡轮返回都柏林。我们在那里总共待了不到 24 小时,但这足以对这座桥和周围的城镇进行评价和评论。这座桥本身的建筑非常漂亮。弯曲镀铬金属管的横扫线。桥的地板上有照明,所有的玻璃都被破坏和破碎。一端是火车/渡轮码头,保持干净,但只有一个小地方可以购买食物或饮料,而且不收现金。桥的另一边就是非常压抑的霍利黑德市中心。街道上垃圾遍地,几家企业倒闭。开放的东西并没有提供太多。是的,这个小镇经济非常萧条。我们聚集在一起,如果没有渡轮业务,它就会干涸并被吹进大海。这是一个非常悲伤的评论,我对此感到难过。经济不景气会带来失业和破坏行为。这个小镇就有。这座桥就像一袋垃圾顶上的一枚闪亮的新硬币。