点评:There were 7 wagons (railroad pedal cars) that all left the starting point at basically the same time, so slow cars in front held up not-so-slow cars farther back, causing a constant pile-up/spread-out driving experience. It would have been better to stagger the starting times by 15-30 seconds per car. We were told about various points of scenery to look out for, prior to departure, but these were all in terms of, "When you go over the bridge," or, "After you cross the road for the third time...," which was a lot to remember, but it would have been nice if there would have been mileage markers of some type. Worst of all, we didn't know when the "last mile" started, which is what we were advised to "conserve our strength" for. Again, some type of markers along various points of this 15-mile trip would be helpful.
The wagons themselves seem to be well maintained, but are made of light-weight aluminum and started to shimmy at various times along the track. For one stretch, the car started vibrating uncontrollably for some reason. There is also a small metal basket behind the seats that we didn't know existed until we were well underway. When it was time to board, the guide told us to meet outside in 5 minutes, but then started speaking to the group right away, not giving those of us who needed to visit the bathroom enough time to do so. A reminder to bring water would have been helpful, as the trip was nearly two hours. Fortunately for us, our trip took place on a cool day, or we would have gotten very thirsty. There is a nice gift shop in the depot that sells water.
翻译:有 7 辆车厢(火车踏板车)基本上同时离开起点,因此前面的慢车会阻碍后面不那么慢的车厢,导致不断发生连环相撞/分散的驾驶体验。最好将每辆车的出发时间错开 15-30 秒。出发前,我们被告知要注意各种风景点,但这些都是“当你过桥时”或“第三次过马路后……”之类的话,要记住的东西很多,但如果有某种里程标记就好了。最糟糕的是,我们不知道“最后一英里”何时开始,我们被告知要“保存体力”。同样,在这 15 英里的旅程的各个点上设置某种类型的标记会很有帮助。
车厢本身似乎保养得很好,但它们是由轻质铝制成的,在轨道的不同时间开始摇晃。有一段路,不知为何,车厢开始不受控制地震动。座位后面还有一个小金属篮子,我们直到上路后才知道有这个篮子。上车时,导游告诉我们 5 分钟后在外面集合,但马上就开始跟大家讲话,没有给我们这些需要上厕所的人足够的时间。提醒我们带水会很有帮助,因为旅程将近两个小时。幸运的是,我们的行程是在凉爽的一天,否则我们会非常口渴。车站里有一家不错的礼品店,卖水。