点评:Before silos existed grain was taken from the header into jute bags and closed at the top by sewing the bag closed. The bagged grain weighed about 82 kg. The bags were then loaded onto wagons or trucks and carted to the Riverland wharf or to rail sidings.
It wasn't until the late 1950s that South Australia moved into bulk handling. The first bulk shed was built in 1966 and silos arrived in 1978.
In 2017 these silos were purchased from Viterra and this is when they started to look into the idea of silo art. Mr Mark Yates donated $10, 000 towards the project and he owned the silos.
There are four images on these silos.
1. David Jones- Possum and Charles Chaffey
2. PS Industry and Captain Pearl Wallace
3. Sister Elaine Balfour- Ogilvy and the Houseboat industry
4. Community history and Murray Cod
There are information boards in shelters to explain the significance of the choice of artwork on the silos. There is also heaps of room to park a car or a caravan at the site for you to walk around.
翻译:在筒仓出现之前,谷物从收割台被取出放入黄麻袋中,并通过缝合袋子在顶部封闭。袋装谷物重约82公斤。然后将袋子装上货车或卡车,运到 Riverland 码头或铁路边线。
直到 20 世纪 50 年代后期,南澳大利亚才开始进行散货装卸。第一个散货棚建于 1966 年,筒仓于 1978 年抵达。
2017 年,这些筒仓是从 Viterra 购买的,这是他们开始研究筒仓艺术理念的时候。 Mark Yates 先生为该项目捐赠了 10, 000 美元,他拥有筒仓。
1. David Jones- Possum 和 Charles Chaffey
2. PS Industry 和 Captain Pearl Wallace
3. Elaine Balfour 姐妹 - 奥美和船屋行业
4. 社区历史和墨累鳕鱼