点评:We had more people at this ski school. For the kids ( 4 and 7 years old ), the situation was not the best: only one teacher per group ( while competitor schools were having two teachers per group ), even when they were skiing on real, more difficult slopes. For the 39 years old school 'girl', it was not better: she ended by not attending the school anymore due to the lack of attention form her teacher. In the end, she reached an agreement with the school for some private ( more expensive, of course ) lessons.
To come back to the kids: the final result, for the elder one, was not good at all. He was hit on the slope, being during the morning class, by an adult student of another ski-school and got injured, a fracture. Here it was when the Koch ski school really washed their hands: they just wanted just to get rid of us and our problem. And to have the money for the not-finished ski-school reimbursed was not easy: Mr. Koch, in an unpleasant dialogue, refused to pay back half of the school price but only one-third of it. No way to go again with anyone at this ski-school!
翻译:我们在这个滑雪学校有更多的人。对于孩子们(4 岁和 7 岁)来说,情况并不是最好的:每组只有一名老师(而竞争对手学校每组有两名老师),即使他们在真正的、更困难的斜坡上滑雪。对于这位 39 岁的学校“女孩”来说,情况也好不到哪里去:由于缺乏老师的关注,她最终不再上学。最后,她和学校达成了一些私人课程(当然更贵)的协议。