点评:My disappointment is immeasurable, and my afternoon has been ruined.
To begin, the line. Good god, the queue could be seen from space. Each and every person - regardless of having a bag, is funneled through the same checkpoint. Twelve seconds in line and I had come up with a better system. Two lines. One for bags, one for those without. Triple the speed. But why be efficient when you can obfuscate because there is certainly nothing worthwhile behind the gates, so might as well prepare the crowds for disappointment before they even enter the venue.
Next, the website. We wished to ice skate. When you attempt to buy ice skating tickets, however, the “buy ice skating tickets” button does not in fact lead to a “buy ice skating tickets” option. It leads to general admission. Now, admittedly, having seen the carnival I can see how this is required. But we had travelled from out of town, blissfully unaware of this boisterous and bovine distraction, and when I saw “ice skating in the park” I naively assumed this meant a simple ice rink in the park you could jaunt right up to. Alas, no ice skating for me - as, when we realized we had been mislead, tickets were sold out until 9pm. It was 4 pm.
After this disappointment we were condemned to an assault upon every sense. Even good sense.
A cacophony of Ricky Ashley and Mariah Carey followed us everywhere, even the bathroom, as we learned that not only is general admission charged, but each ride costs at least 10 pounds per person. Not sure what they needed the money for as nearly every surface not covered in ticket pricing served as a launchpad for the latest Disney+ advertising blitz. A true plus would have been choosing a different way to spend our time.
This winter wonderland lacked anything wintery, leaving me to wonder just what the purpose of this was. Perhaps that is the WONDER.
首先是排队。天哪,从太空中都能看到排队的队伍。每个人——无论是否带包,都要通过同一个检查点。排了 12 秒的队,我想出了一个更好的系统。两条线。一条是带包的,一条是没有包的。速度快了三倍。但是,如果你可以混淆视听,为什么要高效呢?因为大门后面肯定没有什么有价值的东西,所以最好在观众进入会场之前就让他们做好失望的准备。
接下来是网站。我们想滑冰。然而,当你试图购买滑冰票时,“购买滑冰票”按钮实际上并没有指向“购买滑冰票”选项。它指向普通入场券。现在,不可否认,看过嘉年华后,我明白这是为什么需要的。但是我们是从城外赶来的,对这种喧闹和愚蠢的干扰毫不知情,当我看到“在公园滑冰”时,我天真地以为这意味着公园里有一个简单的溜冰场,你可以直接走到那里。唉,我没法滑冰了——当我们意识到被误导时,门票已经卖光了,直到晚上 9 点。当时是下午 4 点。
里奇·阿什利和玛丽亚·凯莉的嘈杂声跟随着我们到处走,甚至到了洗手间,因为我们得知,不仅普通门票要收费,而且每次乘坐至少要每人 10 英镑。不知道他们需要这笔钱做什么,因为几乎所有未包含在票价中的表面都是最新 Disney+ 广告宣传的发射台。真正的好处是可以选择不同的方式来度过我们的时间。