点评:It doesn't matter which riding level you have. These guys will find the best track for your level and you will have a lot of fun.
You will see a lot of picturesque locations during the ride.
If you are experienced rider - rocks, mountains, steep slopes, slippery surfaces. All you need to show off your skills
You will ride with 2 guides. One will show the route and second will be watching you. You won't be lost.
Of course, all necessary protection and clothing will be provided.
About bikes. There are several fresh 2T GasGas (250 and 300 cc) in very good condition. I've had some experience on Yamaha WR450F. And I would say these bikes much better than my(( Perfect suspension, that absorbs almost everything. A lot of power (compared to my WR). Easy to control - feels lighter than mine. Soft clutch - you can use 1 finger
PS: Be careful - the turtle can cross your route))
如果您是经验丰富的骑手 - 岩石、山脉、陡坡、光滑的表面。炫耀你的技能所需的一切
您将与 2 位向导一起骑行。一个会显示路线,第二个会看着你。你不会迷路的。
关于自行车。有几个新鲜的 2T GasGas(250 和 300 cc)状况非常好。我对雅马哈 WR450F 有一些经验。而且我会说这些自行车比我的好得多((完美的悬架,几乎吸收了所有东西。很多力量(与我的 WR 相比)。易于控制 - 感觉比我的轻。软离合器 - 你可以用一根手指
PS:小心 - 乌龟可以穿过你的路线))