Fabulous store, very welcoming and friendly people
Scotsman General Store的点评
点评:We were visiting Laurel for one night as part of our vacation to New Orleans from the UK.
We traveled on the Amtrak from NOLA. We are big fans of Hometown so felt we couldn’t pass on a visit to Laurel.
We called into the Scotsman general store and were welcomed immediately. We spoke to the general manager and the ladies who worked behind the counter. They were all very friendly. We had a good look around the store and ended up buying some small gifts to take back with us to the UK.
We enjoyed the viewing platform outside with the huge Laurel Miss sign. We took plenty of photos. We also sat outside with a cold drink to cool down on a hot day.
Overall we enjoyed our trip to Laurel and the Scotsman general store.
我们从新奥尔良乘坐美国铁路公司 (Amtrak) 出发。我们是家乡的忠实粉丝,所以觉得不能错过劳雷尔之旅。
我们来到 Scotsman 杂货店,立即受到了热情的欢迎。我们与总经理和柜台后面的女工作人员交谈。她们都非常友好。我们仔细参观了商店,最后买了一些小礼物带回英国。
我们喜欢外面的观景台,上面有巨大的 Laurel Miss 标志。我们拍了很多照片。我们还坐在外面喝着冷饮,在炎热的天气里降温。
总的来说,我们很享受去劳雷尔和 Scotsman 杂货店的旅行。