点评:Hickory and High Point are both great places, but buyer beware and don't fall for the southern charm. Know your prices and negotiate like heck. The furniture mart has a good selection, but you may be able to find the same products in a local place without the expense of getting to NC.
The same goes for Furnitureland South which is big and that does not mean better deals, it in fact means worse and more expensive. To afford that overhead of a large showroom they hire order takers to work the floor and pressure buyers and their main target is the "whale" buyers doing whole houses and interior designers and NOT retail customers. Yes, look at their showroom and then buy elsewhere or online.
There is no TripAdvisor site for Furnitureland South, because it would be inundated with bad reviews. "Over-priced furniture" and "lacking in any customer service" would be terms you would see over and over. Check out the Better Business Bureau.
Furnitureland South 也是如此,它很大,但这并不意味着更好的交易,事实上,这意味着更糟糕和更昂贵。为了负担得起大型展厅的开销,他们雇佣订单接收员在展厅工作并向买家施压,他们的主要目标是“鲸鱼”买家,他们做整栋房子和室内设计师,而不是零售客户。是的,看看他们的展厅,然后在其他地方或网上购买。
Furnitureland South 没有 TripAdvisor 网站,因为那里会充斥着差评。“价格过高的家具”和“缺乏任何客户服务”是你一遍又一遍看到的术语。看看商业改进局。