点评:I usually come here to hit a few balls with my bette half, however this morning I literally got back on my bike. It was a beautiful morning and as I’d not been in the saddle for some considerable time decided to get out there, albeit I hadn’t counted on riding too far as this was first outing in over 12+ months! 10 miles later I found myself enjoying a superb bacon barm washed down with a piping hot cup of black coffee. Bacon was top quality, crispy as you like and a fabulous reward for my morning efforts. The cafe here is very good indeed and I was tempted by one of today’s specials ‘crispy pork belly , cheddar & onions on ciabatta’ but settled on the bacon butty. Food is freshly cooked using the finest ingredients and the staff are excellent, most of which have been working here since it opened. I would highly recommend The Beeches whether it’s to hit balls on the range, play adventure golf or a bite to eat ir even all three if you feel energetic enough.
翻译:我通常来这里和我的另一半打几场球,然而今天早上我又骑上了自行车。这是一个美丽的早晨,因为我已经有很长时间没有骑车了,所以决定出去骑一骑,尽管我没指望骑太远,因为这是 12 个多月以来的第一次出游!10 英里后,我发现自己正在享受一份极好的培根面包,配上一杯热腾腾的黑咖啡。培根质量上乘,酥脆可口,是对我早上努力的极大奖励。这里的咖啡馆确实很好,今天的特色菜之一“恰巴塔面包上的脆皮五花肉、切达干酪和洋葱”让我很着迷,但最后还是点了培根三明治。食物是用最好的食材新鲜烹制的,员工也很棒,他们中的大多数人从开业以来就一直在这里工作。我强烈推荐 The Beeches,无论是去练习场打球,还是玩冒险高尔夫,或者吃点东西,或者如果你精力充沛的话,甚至可以三者都去。