点评:We were so happy to discover this seriously good venue for lovers of gin and whisky, as well as all other spirits etc while we were on holiday in Ironbridge. The owner has a wealth of knowledge about everything he sells and is more than happy to share his knowledge and offer very good advice to help you make the right purchase. He is also happy to offer a tasting to serious buyers which is a great help when trying to decide on your best buy. The owner kindly delivered my lovely bottle of Moonshine & Fuggles gin to our hotel to save us having to carry it around all day. Naturally we returned later in the week in order for my husband to acquire a good bottle of whisky and my further selection of gin miniatures to try before future purchases. It was a pleasure to find a shop that offered such a high standard of service, only wished we lived nearer in order to shop there more often.
翻译:在 Ironbridge 度假期间,我们很高兴发现了这家非常适合杜松子酒和威士忌爱好者以及其他烈酒爱好者的商店。店主对他所售的所有商品都了如指掌,非常乐意分享他的知识并提供非常好的建议,以帮助您做出正确的购买。他还很乐意为有意向的买家提供品尝机会,这对您决定购买哪款最划算有很大帮助。店主好心地将我可爱的 Moonshine & Fuggles 杜松子酒送到了我们的酒店,这样我们就不用整天随身携带了。我们当然在本周晚些时候又回来了,以便我丈夫可以买一瓶好威士忌,还可以再挑选一些杜松子酒小瓶,在下次购买之前先试喝一下。很高兴能找到一家提供如此高水准服务的商店,只希望我们住得更近一些,这样可以更经常地在那里购物。