Cool spot, worth the trip
Las Tinajas Y Charco Frio的点评
点评:I thought it was worth the trip for the rock jumping and the slides. We went on our own.
When we visited there were many, many tour groups there (it was spring break). It was crowded! We watched what the groups did to see what was safe. I'd save money and go on your own if you have a rental car - it's not too challenging to get to. Plus, on your own, you don't have to wear helmets and life jackets.
We drove to the end of Calle 1 and paid $20 to a property owner to park in her lot ($10/car plus $2/pp). You might save a little parking lower, but you'll probably still have to pay. The trail is clear, easy to follow, and takes maybe 15-20 minutes. It was raining when we were there and very muddy and slick in places. Those river shoe things worked well for my kids. I wore old tennis shoes and it was okay. Flip flops are a bad idea, I'd guess even if it's not raining. There were no mosquitoes for us.
我们开车到 Calle 1 的尽头,向一位业主支付了 20 美元,让她把车停在她的地段上(每辆车 10 美元,每人 2 美元)。您可能会节省一点停车费用,但您可能仍然需要付费。这条路很清晰,很容易走,大约需要 15 至 20 分钟。我们去的时候正在下雨,有些地方非常泥泞和光滑。那些河鞋对我的孩子来说很管用。我穿着旧网球鞋,没关系。即使不下雨,我想穿人字拖也是个坏主意。我们没有蚊子。