点评:PLEASE READ!! We’ve been SCAMMED!! All the reviews were so positive so I dropped $4,500 there on a few pieces, including a 14k solid gold tanzanite ring for my dad, originally priced at $15,000. We had to have it sized. There was a crack where they had sized it so we kept having to send it back to have it smoothed. They made a mistake and took off part of the gold plate exposing the sterling silver beneath. This was NOT sold as a plated piece. The owner, Peter, was my salesman for this ring and Anita sold me a 14k solid rose gold morganite ring and matching necklace with diamonds. The pieces were evaluated by a jewelry expert on our cruise ship. They discovered brush strokes where Caribbean Gems tried to cover the pieces with the rose gold plate, and ALL PIECES are FAKE STAMPED with 14K. They claimed that the certificates of authenticity would be emailed to me and they never were. Disputing with my credit card company now. PLEASE DON’T SUPPORT THEM! If you already have, take your jewelry to be checked. It’s nothing more than costume jewelry! Evil scammers will get what they deserve.
The attached images show our receipts signed by the fraudulent salesmen, the prices paid, and that the pieces were marketed as solid 14K gold. Though it is difficult to photograph, attached are pictures of the black scrape on the ring where the gold plate was removed revealing sterling silver beneath, and the 14K stamp.
翻译:请仔细阅读!!我们被骗了!!所有的评论都很正面,所以我花了 4,500 美元在那里买了几件首饰,包括一枚 14k 纯金坦桑石戒指,送给我爸爸,原价 15,000 美元。我们必须测量它的尺寸。他们测量尺寸的地方有裂缝,所以我们不得不把它送回去打磨。他们犯了一个错误,把部分金板取下来,露出了下面的纯银。这不是镀金的首饰。店主彼得是这枚戒指的销售员,安妮塔卖给我一枚 14k 纯玫瑰金摩根石戒指和一串镶有钻石的项链。我们游轮上的珠宝专家对这些首饰进行了评估。他们发现了 Caribbean Gems 试图用玫瑰金板覆盖首饰的笔触,所有首饰都是假的,上面印有 14K。他们声称会通过电子邮件将真品证书发送给我,但从来没有。现在正在与我的信用卡公司争辩。请不要支持他们!如果您已经这样做了,请将您的珠宝拿去检查。这只不过是人造珠宝!邪恶的骗子会得到他们应得的惩罚。
所附图片显示了欺诈销售人员签署的收据、支付的价格,以及这些珠宝被宣传为纯 14K 金。虽然很难拍照,但附件中的照片显示了戒指上的黑色刮痕,金板被移除,露出了下面的纯银,以及 14K 印章。