Highly educational session on the art of bonsai for an absolute novice !!
Create a Bonsai with Streamside Trees的点评
点评:Having "selected" Streamside Trees at random from a Google search, my wife and I were not at all disappointed with our choice and our one-to-one booking. Blessed with a fine weather day in amongst plenty of rain and dullness, Julia greeted us warmly at her home and introduced us to her very lovely garden. The somewhat spindly and neglected pine bonsai which I have owned for many years was carried into the work space outside and Julia provided us with expert advice and guidance, many practical hints and tips and gave us the courage to actually prune some of the unwanted bits off the tree. Julia was a delight to "work" with and ensured the whole experience to be informative and extremely helpful. We'll definitely go again - thank you Streamside !!!
翻译:我和我的妻子从谷歌搜索中随机“选择”了溪边树,对我们的选择和一对一的预订一点也不失望。幸运的是,在大雨和沉闷中度过了一个晴朗的天气,朱莉娅在她家里热情地迎接我们,并向我们介绍了她非常可爱的花园。我拥有多年的有点细长和被忽视的松树盆景被搬到外面的工作空间,朱莉娅为我们提供了专家的建议和指导,许多实用的提示和技巧,并给了我们勇气真正修剪掉一些不需要的部分那个树。朱莉娅很高兴与她“合作”,并确保整个体验内容丰富且非常有帮助。我们一定会再去 - 谢谢 Streamside !