点评:Pulicat is hardly 30 kms from my place. This is the third time I am taking yuvraj boating services in Pulicat. I have been to Pulicat twice in morning time at 6am and once around 2pm. Yuvraj anna has wonderful boating skill and good knowledge regarding the destination and birds. He has shown us lot of birds in the lake and my phone camera doesn’t do justice what I have seen in my eyes.
Best time to visit the lake either morning or evening. It takes 2 hours to cover the whole lake in boat. When it comes to safety, Yuvraj anna gives us good instructions and took care of us so well. I highly recommend people to carry their own life jacket.
In this Pulicat lake, you can do the following activities.
1) Birds watching- Flamingos(Seasonal), Pelicans, sea gulls and much more.
2) Island where the sea and lake meets - Good for taking a dip in water and you can spend time with friends and family.
3) You have palaverkadu fish market - you can buy fresh sea foods.
Please plan your trip well. Don’t pollute the place with plastics. Be a responsible tourist. Safety comes first. Please follow the instructions given by the boat instructor carefully. Carry your own food if possible. You have enough parking facility there.
I highly recommend Yuvaraj boating service in Pulicat which is affordable pricing for eight people too.
Contact: 9710518040
翻译:普利卡特离我家不到 30 公里。这是我第三次在普利卡特参加 yuvraj 划船服务。我在早上 6 点和下午 2 点左右去过 Pulicat 两次。 Yuvraj anna 拥有出色的划船技巧以及关于目的地和鸟类的丰富知识。他向我们展示了湖中的许多鸟类,而我的手机摄像头并没有像我眼中看到的那样公正。
早上或晚上游览湖泊的最佳时间。乘船游遍全湖需2小时。说到安全,Yuvraj anna 给了我们很好的指导并且非常照顾我们。我强烈建议人们携带自己的救生衣。
在这个 Pulicat 湖中,您可以进行以下活动。
1) 观鸟- 火烈鸟(季节性)、鹈鹕、海鸥等等。
2) 海与湖交汇的岛屿 - 适合在水中畅游,您可以与朋友和家人共度时光。
3)你有 palaverkadu 鱼市场 - 你可以买到新鲜的海鲜。
我强烈推荐 Pulicat 的 Yuvaraj 划船服务,这也是八人可以负担得起的价格。