点评:Very frustrating. Lost $15 worth of 3 oz. triangle weights, hooks and clasps/line with shrimp baited hooks getting caught FOUR times in two hours by casting out about 50+ yards on the left side of pier (facing ocean).
Came back into bait shop and told clerk they needed to dredge the bottom of the ocean out 100 yards on each side of the pier. She responded the old destroyed pier and all its debris, knocked over in a past storm, was still under the water out to the left.
Two other people were constantly getting bottom rigs stuck tonight near me and not happy. I have fished all up and down the Atlantic Coast off of piers and never had this kind of trouble with my fishing gear.
If you use weights and bottom fish I would go elsewhere. I will not be coming back. Plus, paying $13 just to fish until 10 PM is nuts. If you want to walk it or use the restrooms get ready to pay $3. And the same pair of gloves I bought at a WalMart for $4.49 earlier in the day they were asking $12 for. 😞😓😩
翻译:非常令人沮丧。损失了价值 15 美元的 3 盎司三角铅坠、鱼钩和扣环/鱼线,鱼钩上挂着虾饵,在码头左侧(面朝大海)抛出约 50 多码后,两小时内被钓到四次。
回到鱼饵店,告诉店员,他们需要疏通码头两侧 100 码外的海底。她回答说,旧的被毁码头及其所有碎片,在过去的风暴中被撞倒,仍然在左边的水下。
如果您使用铅坠和底部鱼,我会去其他地方。我不会再来了。另外,只为钓鱼到晚上 10 点而支付 13 美元是疯了。如果您想走路或使用洗手间,请准备好支付 3 美元。当天早些时候,我在沃尔玛以 4.49 美元的价格购买了同一副手套,但他们要价 12 美元。😞😓😩