Terrible. Can't reach them by e mail or phone to redeem giftcard. No response whatsoever
Cheese Tours at Sussex High Weald Dairy的点评
点评:We haven't actually been on the tour yet but I had to put a date in. I purchased the cheese tour for two people as a Birthday gift for my husband (70.00) and it was e mailed him last November. For various reasons we have been unable to redeem it until recently. My husband has left two phone messages trying to book the tour and has sent an e mail from the contact form on their website. I have also sent an e mail directly to them. Neither or us has received any response since we first tried contacting them about 10 days ago. Will continue to try to reach them tomorrow! The giftcard providers have a clause that states they are not responsible if the seller does not fulfill their service!
翻译:我们还没有真正参加这次旅行,但我必须填写日期。我购买了两人份的奶酪之旅作为送给我丈夫的生日礼物(70.00),去年 11 月通过电子邮件发给了他。由于各种原因,我们直到最近才兑换。我丈夫留下了两条电话留言试图预订这次旅行,并从他们网站上的联系表格发送了一封电子邮件。我也直接给他们发了一封电子邮件。自从我们大约 10 天前第一次尝试联系他们以来,我们都没有收到任何回复。明天将继续尝试联系他们!礼品卡提供商有一条条款,规定如果卖家没有履行其服务,他们不承担任何责任!