点评:We were staying in Killin, within yards of this monument, so we felt we should have a look.
For those related to or associated with Clan McNabb, there will be a whole different aspect to a visit but, as a complete outsider, it still provides a point of interest, albeit a quiet, low-key one.
A £15 deposit, plus a £5 charge will get you the key from one of the nearby shops, for which you can get a closer look at the intriguing 'gateway' as well as various memorial stones and a walled mausoleum, further down the path. You are also gaining access to an island in the river, which is heavily wooded, peaceful and atmospheric.
It is a moot point as to whether this merits the £5 entry fee but, if you enjoy small but quirky curiosities, you can reflect that it won't exactly break the bank in any case.
We enjoyed the burial ground as a small part of our exploration of the village but I can't imagine many people would find it worthwhile coming from any distance to view in isolation. That is, unless they're related to the McNabbs.
15 英镑的押金加上 5 英镑的费用,您就可以从附近的一家商店拿到钥匙,您可以近距离观察迷人的“门户”以及各种纪念碑和一条小路尽头的带围墙的陵墓。您还可以进入河中的一座岛屿,那里树木繁茂、宁静而有气氛。
至于是否值得 5 英镑的入场费,这是一个有争议的问题,但如果你喜欢小而奇特的奇观,你可以想一想,无论如何它都不会花光你的钱。