点评:A truly beautiful, unique and inspiring space with a welcoming atmosphere. Wheelchair friendly throughout and a safe space for all communities.
Like a tardis, it's bigger on the inside. The main reception area is stunning in itself, packed with work from a huge variety of artists which rotates regularly, including paintings, sculpture, handmade gifts and greetings cards.
Then through to the "Garage Gallery", a space for art exhibitions from local artists which changes every 6 weeks, so there is always something new to look at.
Outside takes you to the "beach", leading to the undercover yard which is a great space for workshops.
Beyond that is the "Long Gallery", which is a bright, cosy and enchanting space, decorated with flowers, perfect for sitting with a drink and snack whilst admiring the paintings and view of the garden, come rain or shine.
Of course, on a sunny day in particular, the sculpture garden is a perfect tranquil space to sit peacefully under the tree or on the patio, surrounded by beautiful sculptures and a stunning variety of plants.
Weekly casual events are great fun to drop into. Plus lots of seasonal events throughout the year.
Games night on Wednesdays for boardgames or D&D, bring your own game or choose from a selection of in house games.
"Art 2 Art" on Thursdays for a chance to bring along a creative project and have a chat with like-minded people whilst having a coffee and focusing on your work. Particularly great for people like me who struggle to make the time to focus on personal projects at home.
It's been amazing to see the transformation of this building from a run-down empty shell to such a stunning little community space full of joy and love for all things creative.
然后穿过“车库画廊”,这是当地艺术家的艺术展览空间,每 6 周更换一次,所以总有新的东西可看。
周三晚上有游戏之夜,可以玩棋盘游戏或 D&D,您可以带上自己的游戏或从一系列室内游戏中选择。
周四举办“Art 2 Art”,您可以带上一个创意项目,一边喝咖啡一边与志同道合的人聊天,专心工作。对于像我这样很难抽出时间专注于家庭个人项目的人来说,这尤其棒。