worst experience for video shooting support by team. they don't full fill their commitment after multi-pal request.
Skywalker Adventures- Powered Paragliding/ Paramotor flights的点评
点评:My personal experience if you want good video shooting then take your own camera for para-motoring because they provide the video shooting from go pro camera with extra charges but did not provide whole video. Just provide 2-3 minute edited video they talk we will provide whole video.
i think every one want whole if they are paying charges. after doing multiple request they don't provide their go pro camera video. so it is money wasted and time wasted because they don't full-fill their commitment.i have paid 4500 for para-motoring + 1000 for video shooting. they only talk for giving but didn't provide whole video.
My What's up no 9407462335
翻译:我个人的经验是,如果你想要好的视频拍摄,那就带上你自己的相机进行动力伞运动,因为他们提供专业相机的视频拍摄,需要额外收费,但不提供完整的视频。只需提供 2-3 分钟的编辑视频,他们说我们将提供整个视频。
我想如果他们付费的话每个人都想要完整的。在多次请求后,他们没有提供他们的 go pro 相机视频。所以这是浪费金钱和时间,因为他们没有履行他们的承诺。我已经支付了 4500 的辅助驾驶费用 + 1000 的视频拍摄费用。他们只谈论给予,但没有提供完整的视频。
我的 什么事 9407462335