点评:Very sorry we moved here after visiting and being overwhelmed with the natural beauty of the area (and the closing of the mill that was polluting the harbour).
We purchased here after being told of the multi million dollar town project to improve and expand the waterfront to attract more tourism.
Unfortunately, the only project moving forward is a top secret one about which the town council will not answer questions.
This project is a commercial trucking route for huge wind turbine blades.
The trucking route runs from the waterfront through the main part of town, past residential areas and an elementary school.
“Save Wellington Street” is the residents rallying cry that council refuses to hear. They have a Facebook page but that is very secretive too with “anonymous” posts very prevalent.
Forewarned is forearmed.
“拯救惠灵顿街”是居民的口号,但议会拒绝听取。他们有一个 Facebook 页面,但也非常保密,其中“匿名”帖子非常普遍。