点评:This was honestly one of the best things I have ever done. This was no 5 minute theme park ride it was a serious husky ride with a beautiful team of well trained dogs who absolutely adored their work. The site is amazing, well and truly in the lapland wilderness. We waited while Tuomas and his helper prepared the dogs. Each dog is carefully selected to work with the others. Tuomas explained the role of both the passenger and driver gave a brief explanation of the track and we were off. Our tour took about 2 hours and the views were spectacular. My son and I both got an opportunity to drive. I absolutely want to become a sled driver now, it was fantastic.
Talking with Tuomas later about how he trains his dogs, how they are kept, how they spend their days off and their feed it was very clear to me this is a very well looked after group of dogs. We were allowed to pat and cuddle the dogs, one of the young ones joined us by the fire when we had our warm drink and cake at the end.
You do need to ensure you dress warmly. My son regretted not following my advice of woollen socks only. It was about-9 for us which is warm for the dogs but quite cool as a passenger.
I would absolutely recommend Tuomas and his dogs to anyone who wants an authentic experience with well cared for dogs. For me the kicker was to know he keeps his retirees and continues to care for them even when they're past running.
翻译:老实说,这是我做过的最棒的事情之一。这不是 5 分钟的主题公园之旅,而是一场真正的哈士奇之旅,由一支训练有素的漂亮狗队带领,它们非常热爱自己的工作。这个地方令人惊叹,真正地处于拉普兰荒野之中。我们等待着 Tuomas 和他的助手准备狗。每只狗都经过精心挑选,可以与其他狗一起工作。Tuomas 解释了乘客和司机的角色,并简要介绍了赛道,然后我们就出发了。我们的旅程持续了大约 2 个小时,景色非常壮观。我和儿子都有机会驾驶雪橇。我现在绝对想成为一名雪橇司机,这真是太棒了。
后来我和 Tuomas 谈论了他如何训练他的狗、如何饲养它们、它们如何度过休息日以及它们的饲料,我很清楚这是一群被照顾得很好的狗。我们被允许拍拍和拥抱这些狗,当我们最后喝热饮和吃蛋糕时,其中一只年轻的狗加入了我们,坐在火炉旁。
你确实需要确保自己穿得暖和。我儿子后悔没有听从我的建议,只穿羊毛袜。当时我们大约有零下 9 度,这对狗来说很暖和,但对乘客来说却很冷。
我绝对会向任何想要与精心照顾的狗一起体验真实体验的人推荐 Tuomas 和他的狗。对我来说,最棒的是知道他会养着他的退休狗,即使它们不能再跑了,他也会继续照顾它们。