点评:... Oseki Mara Camp ...
We are in The Mara baby! YES WE MADE IT!
We are here for two nights staying at off-the beaten track Mara Oseki Camp. We are already in love with their operations which create community partnership development and long-term solutions for wildlife conservation while developing models for conserving nature and empowering the local community.
Their all ensuite tents offer comfortability in the bush while anticipating each of thier self-designed Mara Experiences. These are all carried out by a local Maasai of the area to let you experience the best of what the Mara has to offer through the eyes of a local.
This safari organized Nikki and the team at Reggae Africa Travel & Tours was everything we imagined a safari to be - ideal for wildlife and birdwatching enthusiasts and travellers looking for an authentic safari experience.
翻译:... Oseki Mara Camp ...
我们来到了 Mara baby!是的,我们成功了!
我们在偏僻的 Mara Oseki Camp 住了两个晚上。我们已经爱上了他们的运营方式,他们创造了社区伙伴关系发展和野生动物保护的长期解决方案,同时开发了保护自然和赋予当地社区权力的模式。
他们所有的套间帐篷在丛林中提供舒适感,同时期待他们自己设计的 Mara 体验。这些都是由当地的马赛人进行的,让您通过当地人的眼光体验 Mara 所能提供的最好的东西。
这次狩猎之旅由 Nikki 和 Reggae Africa Travel & Tours 的团队组织,完全符合我们想象中的狩猎之旅 - 非常适合野生动物和观鸟爱好者以及寻求真实狩猎体验的旅行者。