点评:The official inauguration on the Brothers In Arms Memorial Park took place on Sunday, 25th September 2022.It was a very special moment for Johan Vandewalle and the Brothers in Arms Memorial Project teams of both Australia and Belgium. The story he related to us on our recent visit was moving and also a reminder of how futile all wars are. So many die for the vanities of our so-called leaders. We have visited this site for three years now, and each time the same sentiments are felt - deep sorrow for loss and mourning for all those who died in all the wars around the world. If you visit the restaurant/bar across the road from the memorial, you can view Johan's personal museum. This memorial is not looked funded by The Commonwealth War Graves Commission - all donations for the upkeep of this memorial is funded by donations. This memorial draws one back and I for one will certainly be back again to pay my respects to, not only to the brothers remembered at this place of peace, but for all the known and unknown fallen. RIP Brothers in Arms.
翻译:兄弟连纪念公园的正式落成典礼于 2022 年 9 月 25 日星期日举行。对于 Johan Vandewalle 以及澳大利亚和比利时的兄弟连纪念项目团队来说,这是一个非常特殊的时刻。他最近给我们讲的故事令人感动,也提醒我们所有战争都是徒劳的。这么多人为了我们所谓的领导人的虚荣而牺牲。我们已经访问这个地方三年了,每次都有同样的感受——对失去的深切哀悼,对世界各地所有战争中死去的所有人表示哀悼。如果您参观纪念碑对面的餐厅/酒吧,您可以参观 Johan 的个人博物馆。这座纪念碑似乎不是由英联邦战争公墓委员会资助的——维护这座纪念碑的所有捐款都由捐款资助。这座纪念碑让我回想起往事,我一定会再来表达我的敬意,不仅是为了纪念在这片和平之地被铭记的兄弟,也是为了纪念所有已知和未知的阵亡者。安息吧兄弟们。