点评:The terrace at Porta Sole is one of the highest points of Perugia. From here, you get magical views down over the red rooftops and beyond, across the Umbrian countryside.
It’s also the site of the ancient Porta Sole Fortress, a mighty military structure built in 1373. There’s almost nothing left of it. It was almost completely destroyed within just a few years during a popular revolt.
The trace viewing point is not far from Piazza IV Novembre. Starting from the piazza, we did an easy, short, looped walk that took us past the ancient Etruscan Arch, up to Porta Sole and circled right back to the main square.
It’s a gentle downhill stroll to the Etruscan Arch. Here, we turned right (towards the Church of St Fortunato), walking uphill alongside the ancient city walls.
The road soon led to a winding, stepped path which took us up to the viewing terrace at the top. It’s a reasonably steep but short path.
At the top, a small bronze plaque lists this as Stop #28 on the Porta Sole Walking Itinerary and gives a brief history of the fortress.
It’s only a 5 min walk back to Piazza IV Novembre.
翻译:Porta Sole 的露台是佩鲁贾的最高点之一。从这里,您可以欣赏到红色屋顶和远处翁布里亚乡村的神奇景色。
这里也是古老的索尔门堡垒 (Porta Sole Fortress) 的所在地,这是一座建于 1373 年的强大军事建筑。现在几乎已经荡然无存。在短短几年内,它在一场民众起义中几乎被完全摧毁。
痕迹观赏点距离十一月四号广场不远。从广场出发,我们进行了一段轻松、短途的环形步行,经过古老的伊特鲁里亚拱门,到达Porta Sole,然后绕了一圈回到主广场。
顶部的一块小青铜牌将其列为 Porta Sole 徒步路线的第 28 站,并介绍了这座堡垒的简要历史。
步行 5 分钟即可到达十一月四日广场。