Beautiful trees, pity the National Trust don't manage it better
Sheffield Park And Garden的点评
点评:We visit this garden each year to see the deservedly famous Autumn colours. This is second to none, but the visitor experience is tarnished by the incompetence of the National Trust. The car parking capacity is insufficient for the number of people visiting, even during weekdays. NT's solution to this is to direct cars into a waterlogged field that acts as an overspill. The access track is deeply rutted, potholed and full of mud and is only suitable for SUVs, not normal cars. Added to that is the 100m walk across the same quagmired field to reach the garden entrance.
The toilets next to the reception building are, without fail, filthy and stink to high heaven from the huge puddles of urine across the floor. The onsite catering consists of an overcrowded, over-priced café outside the garden and an occasionally open coffee /tea hut with very slow service. There is also a Middle Eastern food truck outside (very good as this is not run by NT).
Be prepared for more mud if you visit the lower part of the garden which is permanently muddy and impassable without wellies or hiking boots. Somehow the NT found money to create a pointless new boardwalk higher up in the garden where there is no drainage problem, but apparently "nothing can be done" about the condition of the lower garden paths.
翻译:我们每年都会来这个花园,欣赏当之无愧的著名秋色。这是首屈一指的,但游客的体验却因国家信托的无能而受损。即使在工作日,停车场容量也不足以容纳参观人数。NT 对此的解决方案是将汽车引导到积水的田地中,作为溢流。通道坑坑洼洼,满是泥土,只适合 SUV,不适合普通汽车。此外,还需要穿过同一片泥泞的田地步行 100 米才能到达花园入口。
接待大楼旁边的厕所肯定很脏,地板上有大片尿液,散发着恶臭。现场餐饮包括花园外一家人满为患、价格过高的咖啡馆和一家偶尔营业、服务很慢的咖啡/茶屋。外面还有一辆中东餐车(非常好,因为这不是 NT 经营的)。