点评:I don’t travel much but, after visiting the Cabaret Moorea during my honeymoon in Tahiti, I wanted to write my first review about it.
To begin, I found it by randomly searching for things to do while in Moorea. I was specifically looking for something away from the hotels and that wasn’t the typical touristy stuff (e.g., ocean trips and excursions), and this seemed to fit the bill—a Cirque du Soleil-like show run by a company called Tahiti Show Concept headed by two former Cirque members (Sebastien and Katja). The concierge at our hotel had never even heard of it (which I took as a good thing since that was what I was looking for), so we sent an email to the show’s website to make a reservation for the following night’s event. Sebastien personally confirmed our reservation via email.
It was a bit difficult for our taxi driver to find at night (who also didn’t know what/where it was at first) but, once we got there, it was different than what I had expected—but in a fun way!
It turns out that the show was kind of a “recital” for students of Sebastien and Katja’s cirque-style all-ages school of acrobatics, tumbling, and apparatus (like a cirque performance) which they taught/led.
When we arrived, Sebastien greeted us warmly and told us that we were the only fluent English speakers that were attending, but he said that both he and Katja spoke English and would be happy to translate anything. Katja helped translate for the woman who was collecting the entrance fee (2,500 CFP/adult, or about $25 USD each) and running the reservations so we could pay and get our assigned table. They assigned us to a table, and we walked “inside”—which was an outdoor area containing short benches and tables, a bar with beer and wine, and a snack bar. (I had a beer but we didn’t try the food, although the pizza looked pretty tasty.)
Once the event started, Sebastien would announce the acts and say a few words about the performers, although it was all in French and we couldn’t really understand what he was saying. That said, the acts themselves were wonderful to watch. There also was a small grass area directly in front of the “stage” that children rushed to sit in before each of the acts, and it was fun seeing their faces light up as they watched.
Most of the acts involved rings, swings, or cloth (many of which included multiple performers simultaneously, which was great), but there was also an intricate tumbling/acrobatic act that included 5 students who all appeared to range between 9 and 19 years old. In between the acts, a live saxophone player entertained the audience, which was fun.
Katja performed the last act with some help from Sebastien, but it was clear that the main focus of the night was meant to be the students and not the teachers. The teachers and the entire audience were all so proud and supportive of the students, which made the show that much more fun to watch.
Afterward, we thanked Sebastien for the wonderful show. He was very gracious and apologized that he didn’t translate his announcements from French to English during the show. (There were probably 100+ people in the audience, all of whom were French-speaking except for the two of us, so I didn’t hold it against him.) Nonetheless, he was clearly very happy that we enjoyed the show and was proud of the students.
All in all, this was one of my favorite things from our honeymoon. Even though the Cabaret Moorea/school may not be a popular stop for tourists (yet, anyway!), I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who is even *remotely* interested in cirque-style performances.
Some tips if you are interested in going:
1. Check its website for show info and to make reservations.
2. The show we attended was outside and at night so, if needed, put on some bug spray. (I didn’t really notice any bugs but my wife was getting bit a lot.)
3. Also, dress comfortably. We weren’t sure what to expect so we wore pants, but everyone else was there in shorts and light dresses and was more comfortable.
4. As I mentioned, it seemed like the only staff who spoke English were Sebastien and Katja. That said, other than taking a few extra moments to square everything away, the language “issue” did not detract from the performance or our enjoyment of it. So, if you are worried about there being a language barrier and are thinking of not going because of it, don’t be.
5. Not all taxis accept credit cards so, either make sure your taxi does take credit card beforehand or keep enough cash on hand for both the ride there and the ride back. (The show also only takes cash, including for the bar, so plan accordingly.)
Thank you again, Sebastien, Katja, the staff, and the terrific performers!
翻译:我旅行不多,但在大溪地度蜜月期间参观了 Cabaret Moorea 之后,我想写关于它的第一篇评论。
首先,我通过随机搜索在 Moorea 期间可以做的事情找到了它。我特别想找一些远离酒店的东西,那不是典型的旅游活动(例如,海洋旅行和短途旅行),这似乎符合我的要求——由一家名为 Tahiti Show 的公司举办的类似太阳马戏团的表演由两位前 Cirque 成员(Sebastien 和 Katja)领导的概念。我们酒店的礼宾部甚至从未听说过它(我认为这是一件好事,因为那是我正在寻找的东西),所以我们向节目的网站发送了一封电子邮件,以预订第二天晚上的活动。塞巴斯蒂安亲自通过电子邮件确认了我们的预订。
当我们到达时,Sebastien 热情地迎接我们并告诉我们,我们是与会者中唯一能说流利英语的人,但他说他和 Katja 都会说英语,并且很乐意翻译任何东西。 Katja 帮助为收取入场费(2,500 CFP/成人,或每人约 25 美元)的女士翻译并负责预订,以便我们付款并获得指定的餐桌。他们给我们分配了一张桌子,然后我们走到“里面”——这是一个室外区域,里面有短凳和桌子,一个有啤酒和葡萄酒的酒吧,还有一个小吃店。 (我喝了啤酒,但我们没有尝试食物,尽管披萨看起来很好吃。)
大多数表演涉及吊环、秋千或布料(其中许多表演同时包括多名表演者,这很棒),但也有复杂的翻滚/杂技表演,其中包括 5 名年龄在 9 到 19 岁之间的学生.在表演间隙,现场萨克斯管演奏者为观众带来欢乐,非常有趣。
Katja 在 Sebastien 的帮助下完成了最后一幕,但很明显,当晚的主要焦点是学生而不是老师。老师和全体观众都为学生们感到自豪和支持,这让节目看起来更加有趣。
之后,我们感谢塞巴斯蒂安的精彩表演。他非常亲切,并为没有在演出期间将他的公告从法语翻译成英语而道歉。 (观众中大概有 100 多人,除了我们两个,其他人都说法语,所以我没有反对他。)尽管如此,他显然很高兴我们喜欢这个节目,并且为学生感到骄傲。
总而言之,这是我们蜜月期间我最喜欢的事情之一。尽管 Cabaret Moorea/学校可能不是游客的热门站点(无论如何!),但我还是全心全意地向任何对马戏团式表演*远程*感兴趣的人推荐它。
2. 我们参加的演出是在室外和晚上进行的,因此,如果需要,喷一些杀虫剂。 (我并没有真正注意到任何虫子,但我的妻子被咬了很多。)
4. 正如我提到的,似乎唯一会说英语的员工是 Sebastien 和 Katja。也就是说,除了花一些额外的时间来解决所有问题外,语言“问题”并没有影响表演或我们对它的享受。因此,如果您担心存在语言障碍并因此而考虑不去,请不要。
5. 并非所有的出租车都接受信用卡,因此,要么确保您的出租车事先接受信用卡,要么手头备有足够的现金以备往返。 (该节目也只收现金,包括酒吧的费用,因此请相应地计划。)
再次感谢 Sebastien、Katja、工作人员和出色的表演者!