点评:So here’s the really dangerous thing … you climb on the net and the captain speeds the boat up to keep up with the dolphins.
They had us sign a liability waiver BEFORE showing us the netting contraption. The netting is too close to the boat plus the netting is too big (holes that the rope makes).
When you start cruising at 25 mph, your brain starts thinking 🤔… if I fall off, I will go under the boat (hull) and get hit by the propeller! If my foot falls through the rope and I fall back, I’ll drown.
Now, you 1st think 🤔… the captain has to be keeping an eye on us. 1st time I looked up, he was chatting it up with the gal on board… not looking at us. The 2nd time while we were cruising along I looked up and he was looking to see where the dolphins were heading in front of us.
My conclusion … we’re f#&k’d! … don’t let go!!!
Getting pulled is hard bc you have to figure out how to stay on. The rope (since you’re being pulled) digs into your feet and initially tough to hold onto). Worrying about my foot slipping through the rope and trying to be more 1 with the netting, I bent at the knee and shoved my knees in, plus I eliminated the feeling I would fall off due to balance issues.
The real issue beyond all the potential hazards of drowning or getting pulled under the boat was getting hit by floating debris. In the videos when you see the ropes, there’s seaweed on it. I was hit by a leafy branch but there was also coconuts and mangoes floating by!
Now it’s great to see the dolphins so close but we would never do this again. The potential risks aren’t worth it.
We do NOT recommend bc of the potential risks aren’t worth.
当你以 25 英里/小时的速度开始巡航时,你的大脑开始思考🤔……如果我掉下来,我会钻到船底(船体)并被螺旋桨击中!如果我的脚从绳子上掉下来,我就会淹死。