点评:My wife and I really enjoyed our one lovely evening in La Rochelle. After an amazing dinner, we continued our walk learning about the three towers and how this city started and grew over the years. It is well worth taking time to read about the three towers.
Facing the Atlantic, La Rochelle's three towers - Saint-Nicolas (14th century), la Chaîne (14th century) and la Lanterne (12th and 15th centuries) - are the remains of a large-scale program of medieval fortifications built by the city.
The Tour Saint-Nicolas and Tour de la Chaîne are the gateway to the Old Port. Their function is primarily defensive. A chain even linked the two towers at the time! Each tower was designed as a dungeon. Each tower housed a captain, appointed by the mayor of La Rochelle, with his family and soldiers under his command.
As for the Lantern Tower, it had several successive roles. Its captain controls and disarms ships entering the port. It also served as a lighthouse and landmark with its large spire. In the 16th century, the Royal Navy turned it into a prison for privateers. In the 19th century, it became a military prison. That is why you will be surprised to discover more than 600 graffiti carved by inmates. This tower was also known by other names: Garrot tower, Priest tower, and Four Sergeant tower.
The towers of La Rochelle have been listed as historic monuments since 1879. From onwards, restoration campaigns have continued right up to the present day.
From the top of each tower, enjoy a unique panorama of the city and the ocean.
拉罗谢尔的三座塔楼——圣尼古拉斯塔(14 世纪)、链塔(14 世纪)和灯笼塔(12 和 15 世纪)——面向大西洋,是该市建造的大规模中世纪防御工事的遗迹。
至于灯笼塔,它有几个连续的角色。它的船长控制和解除进入港口的船只的武装。它还是一座灯塔,以其巨大的尖顶而闻名。16 世纪,皇家海军将其变成了私掠船监狱。19 世纪,它成为了一座军事监狱。因此,您会惊讶地发现囚犯雕刻的 600 多幅涂鸦。这座塔还有其他名字:加洛塔、牧师塔和四军士塔。
拉罗谢尔的塔楼自 1879 年以来就被列为历史古迹。从那时起,修复工作一直持续到今天。