点评:On a recent 9-day trip around the Grand Canyon, we started off in Williams, AZ for a couple days. While we were there, we had a pretty full agenda with the train ride to the Canyon, all the Route 66 nostalgia in town, great souvenir stops, and great food. Canyon Coaster never even crossed our radar. But the morning we left Williams and began driving up Route 64 to the South Rim, the last thing we saw on our right as we were leaving town, was the coaster track snaking up the hill. My wife was excited about the idea, so I made a u-turn and we headed back. It was relatively early in the morning on a Wednesday, and we were the only ones there. So no waiting in line. The little carts you sit on seem safe, especially with the hand brake system. But there was no braking on our ride. We both took them wide open all the way down, and it's a pretty long ride. Don't know how fast you get going, but you hit the turns pretty hard, as well as a couple of hills. But it's all a gravity thing, so you can slow yourself down at any point. At the bottom, we both thought it was a lot of fun, and were glad we made the u-turn. Whether you hit it while you're in Williams, or on the way out, I recommend you give this one a try.
翻译:在最近一次为期 9 天的大峡谷之旅中,我们从亚利桑那州的威廉姆斯出发,在那里待了几天。在那里,我们的行程安排得非常满,坐火车去大峡谷,在镇上怀旧的 66 号公路,逛纪念品商店,吃美食。峡谷过山车从未出现在我们的视野中。但在我们离开威廉姆斯的那天早上,我们开始沿着 64 号公路向南缘行驶,离开小镇时,我们右手边看到的最后一件事就是蜿蜒上山的过山车轨道。我的妻子对这个想法很感兴趣,所以我掉头返回。那是星期三的早上,我们是唯一在那里的人。所以不用排队。你坐在小车上看起来很安全,尤其是有手刹系统。但我们乘坐时没有刹车。我们一路开着车,这是一段相当长的旅程。不知道你的速度有多快,但转弯时你会遇到很大的困难,还有几座小山。但这一切都是重力作用,所以你可以在任何时候放慢速度。在山底,我们都觉得这很有趣,很高兴我们做出了 180 度大转弯。无论你是在威廉姆斯还是在出去的路上遇到它,我都建议你尝试一下。