点评:We visited on Sat 20 July 2024.
This is the point after Portsea village.
We could drive to the Gunners Cottage, then have to park.
Fort Nepean is via the courtesy bus from Gunners Cottage to the Fort that is right at the end (15 mins bus drive).
The Fort is very interesting, you can walk the tunnels, the gun platforms, read the history, there were even audio of the history and sound-effects. Need about 30-60 minutes to see all.
On the return, we stopped at the Quarantine Station. This is a collection of buildings that housed and processed immigrants entering. It included living barracks, hospital, and more - quite extensive. The history can be read. Need another about 30-60 minutes to see all.
There is a coffee caravan there - well needed - Thank you.
Yes, Excellent and recommended!
翻译:我们于 2024 年 7 月 20 日星期六参观了这里。
这是 Portsea 村后面的地点。
我们可以开车去 Gunners Cottage,然后停车。
从 Gunners Cottage 乘坐免费巴士到尽头的 Fort Nepean 即可到达(15 分钟的车程)。
堡垒非常有趣,您可以走过隧道、炮台,阅读历史,甚至还有历史和音效的音频。需要大约 30-60 分钟才能看完。
回程时,我们在检疫站停了下来。这是一组用于安置和处理入境移民的建筑物。它包括宿舍、医院等 - 相当广泛。可以阅读历史。需要再花大约 30-60 分钟才能看完。
那里有一个咖啡大篷车 - 非常需要 - 谢谢。