点评:I was really surprised by this. We were staying on Pangalao so we decided to take a look but wasn’t expecting much. It was 300 pesos each to enter. We had to wait for an allocated time in the water so the water didn’t get too crowded. We weren’t aware there were shoals of sardines to swim through which was a pleasant surprise. The water was clear and there was some decent coral and some great species of fish. A guide comes with you in the water too- he wasn’t really beaded but he pointed out a few things.
The only negative is that fins aren’t needed- I saw a guide with them on diving down and standing on coral which was completely unnecessary. He didn’t seem to be taking care of the coral.
You are allocated around 45-60 minutes. There are showers, toilets and a cafe too which serves great coffee.
翻译:我真的对此感到惊讶。我们住在 Pangalao,所以我们决定去看看,但并没有期待太多。入场费是每人 300 比索。我们不得不等待分配的水中时间,这样水中就不会太拥挤。我们不知道有成群的沙丁鱼可以游过,这是一个令人愉快的惊喜。水很清澈,有一些不错的珊瑚和一些很棒的鱼种。一名导游也会陪你下水——他并没有真正沉迷其中,但他指出了一些事情。
你大约有 45-60 分钟的时间。有淋浴、厕所和一家供应美味咖啡的咖啡馆。