点评:Other than a few very helpful and wonderful staff on board, this was not a great experience. The lines to get in to the restaurant are really long (and the lady letting us in was really rude), then 25 mins on top of that for the food line, table for 3 was so tiny we could hardly fit our plates on it, and squashed with so many tables that anyone who moved their chair would bump into us.
We purchased a package to get priority for dinner seating, but still got late seating (which seems odd since hardly anyone had this upgraded package).
My son’s cruise card never worked, despite us going back multiple times to try and fix it. The other guests on board the cruise drank a lot and it was common to see people lying sleeping it off on the floor the next morning. Other guests were rude and wouldn’t even let us through a doorway if we had stepped aside to make space for them.
I would try another cruise but not in South Africa and not with MSC.
翻译:除了船上有几位非常乐于助人、非常出色的工作人员外,这次体验并不好。餐厅的排队队伍很长(让我们进去的那位女士非常粗鲁),然后排队等待食物的时间又长达 25 分钟,3 人桌太小了,几乎放不下我们的盘子,而且桌子太多,任何人移动椅子都会撞到我们。
我会尝试另一次邮轮,但不会去南非,也不会乘坐 MSC。