点评:This is a great spot to stop. There’s a great mix of craft places here including fine art, basket weaving, jewellery, pottery and glass making. The top three for me were the pottery, artist and glass.
The pottery showcases the work of several local artists and had some really interesting and unique pieces that I haven’t seen elsewhere on my travels including a loon and a manta ray. Very unusual. I could have bought half a dozen pieces.
There is a painter with a wide range of work in terms of size, presentation and cost including original works, prints and cards, framed and unframed.
The glass maker also had a huge range of smaller, cheaper pieces making the work very accessible. For example, Christmas decorations that started at 10 euro each, all unique.
On top of the craft, there’s a café that also has locally produced food products for sale, there’s a great view from this location and a easy short walk along the coast path, past the small town harbour and back through the town. Well worth planning a stop here. Highly recommended.
这家玻璃制造商还拥有大量更小、更便宜的玻璃制品,使这项工作变得非常容易。例如,每件 10 欧元起的圣诞装饰品,都是独一无二的。