点评:This “museum” is highly overrated. The best part is the pond that can be seen from the park outside the museum. If you reached that place, then you have seen the best part, which itself is very nice and worth visiting. That's all what is worth visiting.
If by some unfortunate accident you will step into the museum, you will see:
— one room with a few photos of D.T. Suzuki
— learning room, with just a few books, and four chairs cramped in small space not suitable for learning (too close to other people, space is too open, hard to concentrate)
— one ikebana (a flower arrangement)
— one subpar dry landscape garden (through the window)
If you are lucky, then the no one will be chatting in the contemplative space. (I wasn't lucky).
If you are willing to learn about Zen, then you will learn nothing. There were only a few texts (not more than 100 words long) that were making assumptions about western philosophy and saying why Japanese one is better.
If you are careful, you will collect 6 pieces of paper (no more) with thoughts of D.T. Suzuki.
The pond outside the museum and the path to the museum was pleasant. So if you have a bit of time consider taking a walk.
— 一个房间里挂着几张铃木大拙的照片
— 学习室,只有几本书,四把椅子挤在狭小的空间里,不适合学习(离其他人太近,空间太开阔,很难集中注意力)
— 一个插花(插花)
— 一个低于标准的枯山水花园(透过窗户)
如果你愿意学习禅,那么你什么也学不到。只有几篇文章(不超过 100 个字)对西方哲学做出了假设,并说明了为什么日本哲学更好。
如果你小心一点,你会收集到 6 张写着铃木大拙想法的纸(不多)。